Have you recently joined the ranks of skilled contractors? One of the best tips you may ever get is to purchase California contractors insurance before you take on your first job. Liability issues can develop when you least expect them.

By being prepared ahead of time with the proper coverage, you can ensure your business is financially protected. You may also benefit from the following advice:

Never have verbal agreements. Always put everything in writing, from the description of the job to the estimated completion date. Make sure you not only get your client to sign the document, but also give your clients a copy for their records. 

Do not avoid your clients. When they call, pick up and listen to their concerns. In case you are unable to answer the phone at that moment, call them back within one business day.

Be honest about your progress. When you run into snags or delays, let the homeowners know right away, to ensure they will not make plans based on the previous timeline.

Be very choosy when hiring your subcontractors. Call their referees and previous employees. You should look for helpers who have high standards and work ethic, just as you do.

By keeping these tips in mind and by maintaining the proper California contractors insurance, you can help ensure your business has the potential to grow. As your business does expand, remember to assess your insurance coverage regularly to check that you are adequately covered. 
