Obtaining a commercial driver’s license is an easy way to boost your career choices. From school buses to coast-to-coast deliveries, you may find that many more opportunities open up before you once you have earned your CDL. Of course, along with purchasing truck insurance, there are also new driving regulations you should learn. An important one to become familiar with is the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s rules about alcohol.

Many commercial drivers are behind the wheel of vehicles that are larger than the average passenger car. Not only are the vehicles often larger, but they are also sometimes carrying hazardous materials, such as gasoline. With this in mind, the federal government deemed it necessary to lower the legal limit of drivers operating commercial vehicles from a 0.08 blood alcohol concentration, to 0.04. Many states have adopted this law. In addition, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration also forbids commercial drivers from driving until four hours after their last drink.

What sort of consequences could you face by not abiding by these laws? Like non-commercial drivers, you could have criminal charges filed against you. You could also have your license suspended. As a professional driver, this could mean you are unable to work for a month or more. Your truck insurance rate could also increase. In light of the consequences, it should be clear that drinking and driving is not worth the risk.*