Plumbers, like other building professionals, are always in demand and starting a business as a plumbing contractor in California is likely to be an opportunity to make a comfortable living. Working as a plumbing contractor involves financial risks, and it’s essential that your contracting business carries appropriate California contractors insurance to protect your investment in your enterprise.

During the start-up phase of your plumbing business you will be excited to get your business well-known and established quickly. Most forms of advertising are expensive but word-of-mouth referral is a powerful way to advertise your business, and it couldn’t be cheaper!

To take advantage of word-of-mouth referrals you will first have to establish a reputation as a skilled, honest, reliable plumbing contractor. Delight your first clients with your professional approach and good workmanship, and you will be on your way to building a solid reputation.

Starting a business as a plumbing contractor involves investment in a motor vehicle, tools, office equipment and California contractors insurance. The good news is that you may never have to pay to advertise your business if you aim right from the start to be yourself, do a good job and keep your clients satisfied!
